Wednesday, February 27, 2002

Source File datatype.h /* A data structure to contain the information for a typedef. */
112 | struct _Typedef
113 | {
114 | char* comment; /* The comment for the type definition. */
115 |
116 | char* name; /* The name of the defined type. */
117 |
118 | char* type; /* The type of the definition. */
119 | StructUnion sutype; /* The type of the definition if it is a locally declared struct / union. */
120 | Typedef typexref; /* The type of the definition if it is not locally declared or a repeat definition. */
121 |
122 | int lineno; /* The line number that this type definition appears on. */
123 |
124 | Typedef next; /* A pointer to the next item. */
125 | };


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